A Little Every Day
Is Still Progress.
The ‘A Little Every Day’ project is one meant to motivate myself, to keep the ball rolling. The idea being that, if you can learn a language with as little as 15 minutes a day, or get in shape with 15 minutes a day, why can’t I apply that to writing a novel or a blog post?
Throughout this journey, I am committed to writing or editing (maybe including reading if it is for a writing project) for at least 15 minutes a day. For me the hardest part is getting started, I expect that the majority of the time I will write for much longer than that initial 15 minutes. At least on the days where I only do 15 minutes I can still say that I did something, and that is good enough.
Follow me through this journey as I recap weekly discussing my experiences and the progress I have made in the week. You can follow my twitter to get daily updates on what I intend to do and what I actually get done. I hope to hear your comments and experiences in trying it for yourself.
“Strength of mind is exercise, not rest.”
— Alexander Pope