A Little Every Day - Week 1
This week has been a huge one for me. I’ve dived headfirst into building my website and I’m both anxious about the reality of doing this and excited about taking the plunge. My week of holiday from my day job has turned into me working hours and hours on a dream. My dream, to become someone who can support themselves with what they love doing, in my case writing, learning, playing board-games, Dungeons and Dragons and so much more.
I’ve accomplished something great this week. I’ve taken the first steps towards what I want. I know that the road is long ahead but at this point I don’t care where exactly it leads so long as it is up. Using the motivation from my latest spark of inspiration, I’ve gone from the idea to start my own website to being almost ready to make it live. I’ve personalised it, setting up five pages and new social media accounts in just the first two days. Then, driven by the idea to explore the world of my novels in more depth I’ve dived into creating a place on the website to share it with people. From characters, to locations, to the lore of the world. I want to share the world building experience, share those snapshots from the world which help me as its author define the kind of world the Lonely World is, the key moments in history which set the world on its current path, the people who change the world as they know it.
This week, I have used that spark of inspiration to drive me through the early days of this project. It will take time, effort, and dedication to make something of the website and build the name Perplexed Polymath into something other know and enjoy. The A Little Every Day project is central to this dream of building a name for myself. By building the habit of writing every day I am setting myself up to be able to continue this for as long as I can, rather than dropping it when inspiration fades, as I have so many others.
I expect that over the next week, I will accomplish much less than this week. Not only because I go back to my day job but also because the anxiety which warns me to not publish the site will grow as the bright flame of inspiration dims to burning coals. My passion for writing will not fade but it may be obscured by my other responsibilities in life and the doubts and fears that say that it won’t work out. Through writing every day I will be able to refocus myself onto my love of writing and exploring new things. It will also keep me on the path towards my lifelong dream of becoming a published author. However, no one knows what the future holds. Whatever happens, I look forward to trying to keep the ball rolling.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to checking in with you next week.